Welcome to Richardson Ranch
Tlell Polled Herefords
Home of the "Udderly Awesome"

Generations of World-Leading Genetics
The Richardson family have been producing beef on Haida Gwaii, formerly the Queen Charlotte Islands, since 1919.
The Tlell Polled Hereford herd was founded in 1981
and has evolved into one of British Columbia's most prominent Polled Hereford herds
Registered Hereford bulls were sold to the commercial cattlemen at the Annual Vanderhoof All Breeds Bull Sale every year since 1986 and at the William’s Lake Bull Sale beginning in 2000. In 2022 we consolidated our bull sales online using the DLMS Farmgate platform
with sales held in early March each year.
In September of 2010 we hosted our first Online Sale to sell our Registered Polled Hereford females and elite Hereford bulls to fellow Hereford Breeders. September 2024 saw our 15th Annual Richardson Ranch Online Sale. Tlell genetics have sold to customers across Canada and overseas to Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay as well as USA and Mexico

At Richardson Ranch, we specialize in offering top-quality genetics, using proven lineage, with a focus on improving the carcass quality. We measure as many traits as possible and genomically test every animal we produce. Our goal is to provide our customers with the most accurate estimation of the genetic value of each animal that science can provide. Our focus on world-leading genetics, combined with a deep understanding of the industry, enables us to provide unparalleled support to our clients. We are committed to helping our customers achieve success in their breeding programs.